Saturday, February 8, 2014

Package File is invalid

Android Platform
Component : Google Play
Error Message : Package file is Invalid
This error may occur when attempting to install an application on your device via Google Play Store. 
Unless you have a very poor connection which could explain the package getting corrupted during its download, you can try one of the following solutions : 
  • Solution #1 : close and restart Google Play and attempt a new download & installation of the app
  • Solution #2 : log out and log in again in Google Play
  • Solution #3 : clear Google Play cached data (in settings menu, list applications and open the details for Google Play Services, then click on Clear data and Clear cache buttons)
  • Solution #4 : Open Google Play Services application details as described in Solution #3 and attempt to use the Uninstall Updates button

Fail to add a user to an AD Group - Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

Microsoft Windows
Component : Active Directory
Error Message : Not enough storage is available to complete this operation
This issue can be encountered on workstations and servers when attempting to add a user to an AD group. The process will fail indicating there is not enought storage to complete the operation. On large active directories structures, this is usually caused by the AD query returning a too large amount of groups (users can be in several group inclusions and this can quickly become a large volume).

The workaround for this problem is simply to increase the memory used by the system to store the user ownership groups fetched in Active Directory. The original size of this memory reservation is 12kB on older systems (Windows 7, Windows 2008 server), 48kB on Windows 2012 and this post will explain how to push it up to 65kB. This is done by creating a registry key and rebooting the workstation or server.

Unless already created in the past, you will need to create DWORD value key named MaxTokenSize in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters. The maximum value you can set this to is 65535. Restart your device and try adding your user to the group once again.
Please keep in mind there is a hard limit of 1015 groups for a user to belong to. Beyond this limit, you will no longer be able to add that user in server security groups.
More details :

Android Play Store will not start

Android Platform
Component : Google Play
Error Message : No Connection
This very short post it to help solve issue of android Play Store that will not start up and just return a "No connection" message with a retry button
There are 2 known possible causes for this problem : 
  1. Your device is not at the right date. Just open your settings and apply the correct date & time
  2. In your settings menu, list the installed application and pick Google Services Framework. Clear the appliction data & cache and reboot your device